It’s a well known fact that American’s love (American) football. But no-one could possibly love their home team as much as New Orleans loves the Saints. Every shop window is dressed in black and gold, every street band plays ‘When the Saints go marching in’. And when the Saints play, the whole city stands still.
Last weekend (January 24) was the NFC Championship Game. New Orleans Saints versus Minnesota Vikings. Whoever wins goes to the Superbowl. In all their history, the Saints have never got this far in a season. Kick off was about 5.30 Sunday night. The party began Saturday morning! The streets were full of people decked in their team colors – black and gold with a spattering of purple from fans brave enough to show their allegiance to the Vikings.

A few friends and I met up Sunday lunch time to go ‘tailgating’. Basically people drive to the Superdome, and host a party out of the trunk/boot of their car. Music blasts, beer flows and the scent of BBQs waft on the breeze. We even saw one massive trailor with a built in tv to the side!

Its all taken very seriously. The whole city was one massive party, with every citizen announcing their allegiance with spontaneous bouts of “Who Dat! Who Dat! Who dat say gonna beat them Saints?” We also heard a remix of “There is a House in New Orleans” – “they call the Superdome!”.
We then made it to a cute little ‘sufers bar’ (interesting theme given the lack of surf spots) on Magazine Street to watch the game. Every bar was overflowing. The streets were unusually quiet as everyone hovered around a tv to watch the game, tumble weeds may as well have been rolling down Bourbon St! It was a close game and went into overtime. I cant tell you how tense the atmosphere was! When the Saints kicked the winning goal the city screamed with joy in unison. We wandered to Canal St where traffic was at a stand still, horns were honking, music blasting. We ran between cars high-fiving every driver. People were dancing on bonnets and roofs. I have never seen anything like it! We eventually made it to a club on Bourbon St and danced the night away with celebratory calls of “Who Dat!” thrown in frequently.
To give you an idea of just how crazy the town has gone here are some of the front-page headlines during the week following the win:-
The Times-Picayune answers demand for 'Super Saints' edition
New Orleans Saints as NFC champions only story in today's 'Louisiana roundup'
Super Bowl day-after? Schools consider canceling class
New Orleans Saints fans win Super Bowl lottery
Super Saints newspapers will be available again today ... until they sell out
New Orleans Saints will win Super Bowl; Mayor Ray Nagin is betting on it
New Orleans Saints have President Barack Obama's support, despite political downside
Alla, Carrollton and King Arthur Mardi Gras parades adjusted for Super Bowl
President Barack Obama says he's pulling for the New Orleans Saints in the Super Bowl
Forget Miami; the Super Bowl party is here
New Orleans Saints' first Super Bowl trip is a moment to savor: An editorial
Only a football game? Don't tell New Orleanians: Jarvis DeBerry
Saints fans opening their wallets for Super Bowl tickets
New Orleans Saints going to Super Bowl has distracted residents voting early
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin still trying to land Superbowl tickets
NFL halting sales of 'Who Dat' merchandise, station reports
The last one - ahh the current controversy! The NFL are claiming they own "Who Dat" - of course New Orleans claim the people own it. Its not only associated with The Saints but with the city itself. So now there is a copyright issue up in the air. Shops have been told to stop selling merchandise with "Who Dat" on it - a hard request to fulfil given the state of affairs - and so it seems there are far more tshirts, baseball caps etc declaring Who Dat than I ever noticed before.
And if that weren’t enough – here is a Court Order indicating just how seriously New Orleans takes The Saints and their win:-

For those of you who cant read it: "Considering the historic victory of the New Orleans Saints, the Court finds that the trial will not be able to proceed as originally scheduled. The Court takes judicial notice that the Saintsmania permeates the City of New Orleans. Many perspective jurors for the Parish of Orleans, several attorneys involved in this litigation and Court personnel plan on travelling to the promise land- the Superbowl in Miami, Florida. The Court recognizes that his pilgrimage enhances the chances of the Who Dat Nation to aquire the long sought after Holy Grail - the Vince Lombardi Trophy"
Oh and I just found this which I have to share with y'all cos its so damn cute and funny:-
"In honor of the Saints, who will play in their first-ever Super Bowl in Miami on Sunday, the parish Department of Animal Services will hold a special Black-and-Gold Adoption Day on Saturday. All black or tan/yellow/gold animals can be adopted for half the regular adoption fee, the facility has announced. And anyone walking into the shelter wearing black-and-gold Saints colors may adopt an animal for half price."
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